New Paradigm for Gospel Ministry

When Jesus sent out the 12 apostles and the 70 others he told them when they entered a village to inquire and find “the man of peace”. This man of peace is a local man that is respected in the community as a benevolent leader. We see this strategy in the gospels and later in the book of Acts. In Acts chapter 10 we see this modeled by the apostle Peter to open the door of the gospel to the Roman government. The “man of peace” in this case was a centurion of the Roman army. This Roman was known for his prayer to the Jewish God and his giving to the poor. God supernaturally caused them to “find” each other and an “open door” to the Gentiles was established. I believe that like the centurion in Rome, God has sovereignly positioned the “men of peace” in every unreached people group of the world.

Our strategy is to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and find these indigenous men of peace, share the gospel with them, disciple and train them to disciple others. Not just start churches but rather establish training and sending centers to reach their own people.

Jesus said he, “came to preach the gospel to the poor.” We believe the conversion of a person’s eternal soul to be the priority. Jesus told the poor to seek first the kingdom, then God would add food, shelter, etc. to them. To only bring the humanitarian help, without the message of salvation from their sins through repentance and faith in Jesus only addresses the physical, temporal needs of a man and doesn’t address the eternal issues of the soul. Of course, we believe in the humanitarian but only after we see conversion take place. We have seen time and time again God supernaturally meeting peoples needs in Kenya, Nepal and South Sudan after they receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.